BOOK CLUB / The Nightingale

The next book is The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah. Meetings are held via Zoom. If you are not currently a BEO Book Club member, you can learn more and sign up HERE.


Landmark Opera Plaza Cinema 601 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco, CA, United States

Eight-year-old Cocó struggles to meet others' expectations and can't understand why. Everyone around the child uses the name Aitor, a name that feels foreign to Cocó. Ane, the siblings' mother will take advantage of the holidays to...

Get Tickets $10.00 71 tickets left


The North American Basque Organizations (N.A.B.O.) and the San Francisco Basque Club will pay tribute to the late Johnny Curutchet by hosting a full Bertsolari exhibition featuring the U.S.-based Bertsolaris along with...


San Francisco Basque Cultural Center 599 Railroad, South San Francisco, California


BOOK CLUB / What We Tried to Bury Grows Here

Zoom Meeting

We will be discussing What We Tried to Bury Grows Here with author Julian Zabalbeascoa.Meetings are held via Zoom. If you are not currently a BEO Book Club member, you can learn more and sign up HERE.

MEET THE AUTHOR: Julian Zabalbeascoa

SF Basque Cultural Center 599 Railroad, South San Francisco, CA, United States

Author Julian Zabalbeascoa will be presenting his much-celebrated book What We Tried to Bury Grows Here and will be available to answer your questions. Continue reading to learn about his book and the accolades he has received since its recent publication...

MEET THE AUTHOR: Julian Zabalbeascoa

Bookshop West Portal 80 West Portal Avenue, San Francisco, California

Author Julian Zabalbeascoa of his much celebrated debut novel, What We Tried to Bury Grows Here, will join Sterling Holywhitemountain, a NewYorker contributor, Stanford Fellow, and author of...