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Deialdi irekia: Praktika Artistikoen Institutua 2022

2022ko martxoa 17 2022ko apirilaren 14a UTC+0

Tabakalera continues to reinforce its program for professionals and to drive support for artistic practice. The Institute will open its doors in June and, for three months, it will work as a summer school and a space for carrying out artistic exchanges and experiences. Training will take place at the Tabakalera Artists’ Space between June 1 and August 31 with shorter stays in Artium and Museo Oteiza.

To learn more about this amazing opportunity, and to find out how and where to apply…

The registration period is March 17 – April 14.

The program is from June 1 – August 31.

450$ euros

+34 943 11 88 55

Ikusi Antolatzailea webgunea

1 Kultura Garaikidearen Nazioarteko Zentroa
Donostia-San Sebastián, 20012 Espainia
+ Google Map

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