The Impact of Basque Women in America

BCD has been a BEO tradition for a long time. This year it will be held at the San Francisco Basque Cultural Center on Saturday, October 21, 2023

Si nunca ha asistido a uno de nuestros BCD, se trata normalmente de una tarde con una serie de presentaciones sobre un tema selecto decidido por el BEO. La jornada comienza a las 13.00 horas, concluye hacia las 17.00 horas, luego hay una hora de aperitivo y, por último, la cena. Hace dos años, organizamos este evento completamente en línea (puede learn more here), so you can imagine our excitement about meeting in person again. I’m happy to report that there’s already a buzz from those who will be attending who live outside of the Bay Area.

El tema de este año es Euskal Andreen Egintza AmerikanEl impacto de las mujeres vascas en América. The structure of the conversation will begin with conversations about the past, move on to the past and present, and conclude with the present and future.

The responsibility the BEO has for this topic is not lost on us. This is an important conversation and a timely topic worldwide, particularly with and for Basque women. And while we are hosting a one-day event, we don’t want the conversation to stop there. We are working on ideas on how we can keep this discussion alive.

Session 1: Women, the Backbone of the Boardinghouse
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Boardinghouses are integral to our Basque community’s history, and women’s roles within these establishments were huge. We want to shine a light on those women, their strength, endurance, and characters that ultimately became the bedrock for the communities as we know them today. This will be a live conversation between a moderator and five women, each of whom has been touched by the boardinghouse experience on some level. Southern, Central, and Northern California and Nevada will be represented in this panel.

A panel discussion with

  • Anna Iriartborde | Des Alpes, San Francisco, CA
  • Bernadette Berterretche Helton | Centro Basco, Chino, CA
  • Jenny Maitia Poncetta | Woolgrowers Restaurant & Cocktail Lounge, Bakersfield, CA
  • Marie Louise Lekumberry | J.T. Basque Bar & Dining Room, Gardnerville, NV
  • Meggan Laxalt Mackey | Thérèse Alpetche Laxalt French Hotel, Carson City, NV

Moderated by
Jeronima “Jeri” Echeverria, Ph.D.
Author of several acclaimed histories on immigration to the Western United States, including the history of Basque boardinghouses in the American West, Home Away from Home, and a collection of articles on the role of Basque women in the American West, Portraits of Basques in the New World.

Session 2: Inner Strength: Portraits of Basque Women
2:15ish – 3:15ish

This is an existing exhibit that is housed at the Basque Museum in Boise. While we will have a portion of this exhibit at BCD, Patter Miller will present this work and discuss the inner strength the highlighted women in this project had and continue to demonstrate.

A presentation by
Patty Miller
Founding board member and former Executive Director of the Basque Museum & Cultural Center

*A portion of this exhibit will be on-site.

Session 3: Today’s Basque Women Leaders and Their Impact on Basque Communities
3:30ish – 4:30ish

Women’s roles have evolved within Basque communities since the early days of boardinghouses; this evolution is the sum of a few things, including societal shifts, education, and upbringing, all sprinkled with a whole lot of “indarra” left over from our culture. As such, women are incorporating this and bringing it back to their respective Basque communities. This session will be a second live conversation with five women and a moderator. Here, Boise, Nevada, California, and Washington represent this panel.

A panel discussion with

  • Argia Beristain | VP for Development, Boise State University, Boise, ID
  • Esther Ciganda  | Athlete/Educator/Entrepreneur, Moses Lake, WA
  • Madalen Bieter | Radio Show Founder/Physical Therapist, Boise, ID
  • Nerea Lete | Educator, Boise, ID
  • Zoe Bray | Artist, Reno, NV

Moderated by
Marie Laxague Rosecrans
SVP, Impact Industries Marketing at Salesforce
Assistant Secretary and Director of the San Francisco Basque Cultural Center Board of Directors and Co-Chair of its Digital Committee. She also leads the Mendigoizaleak hiking group for its members and friends.

*Boarder’s Dinner to follow…