Beldarrain publishes articles in two books

by Boise State University Office of Communications and Marketing

“The Center for Basque Studies Press published “Basque Women in Exile: Remembering their Voices and Impact in Literature through the Cultural Magazine Euzko-Gogoa’ in the book Memory and Emotion: ‘Basque Women’s Stories; the second article, ‘Jokin Zaitegi: Erbestetik Euskal Komunitate Irudikatua Eraikitzen (Jokin Zaitegi: Building the Basque Imagined Community from the Exile),’ written in Basque, was published in the book ‘Exilio y Humanidades. Rutas de la Cultura (Exile and Humanities. The Roads of the Culture).'”



ALBANY, NY | Critic’s notebook: La Centralita Culinary Studio in Albany

by Susie Davidson Powell

A fascinating story of a husband and wife team who filmed a documentary together (The Txoko Experience. The Secret Culinary Space of the Basques. 2017, 54 min) who have since opened a unique dining experience described (by them) as “a unique, intimate space to gather, enjoy, and learn about the rich gastronomy of Spain.”



Reflecting on the local and historical importance of Basque culture

by Julianne Gee

When talking about being a speaker of many languages, Dr. Nere Lete, professor and director of Basque Studies at Boise State, joked about speaking to her children in Basque. “I just want them to understand whatever language,” she said with a laugh. Dr. Ziortza Gandarias Beldarrain and Dr. Xabier Irujo (with the addition of Dr. Irujo’s wife) laughed along with shared understanding… 



FLORIDA | What JLB ate: El Basque Vin & Pintxo Bar

by Annabelle Tometich

El Basque Vin & Pinto Bar opened Jan 2, 2022 in Bonita Springs. The restaurant comes from John Colon, who also owns Bodega Ole in Naples. El Basque specializes in cuisine from the Basque region of northern Spain, such as these “ganbak tocino,” garlic-chili shrimp wrapped in bacon and served atop a cilantro crema.
